Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Media and Web 2.0

1.  Currently, many TV shows and advertisements try to look amateurish to emulate what is seen on the internet. I think that the idea of TV shows and advertising will continue to look amateurish, but I think the quality level will increase.  Everything needs to start somewhere, so there is something to compare it to.  I think the idea of "homegrown" TV shows and advertisements is a good idea, and I think it will be around for awhile.  Not only do they attract large audiences, but they are also inexpensive to produce.  But as I said before, I feel that the quality of these "homegrown" TV shows and advertisements will increase and look better than they do now.

2.  The social media sites that I find myself using the most are Facebook and Twitter.  I did not get a Facebook until the summer before my freshman year of college, and the purpose of me getting it was to stay in contact with my family and friends from home.  However, now that I have Facebook I find myself checking it numerous times a day, seeing what various people are up to.  I also use Twitter frequently.  I use these social media sites because they allow me to communicate easily with my family and friends, and see what other people are up to.  I think Facebook is more popular than MySpace for many reasons.  Its appearance is a lot more visually appealing than MySpace, the privacy settings are better, and there are a lot more features on Facebook than there are on MySpace.  I think MySpace was a fad, but I think Facebook is here to stay.  Not only is it an easy way to communicate with others, but I think at this point, people are almost dependent on it.  People joke that they can't go a day without Facebook, but sometimes I feel that people really CAN'T go a day without checking Facebook.

3.  According to that website, transparency "when used in a social context implies openness, communication, and accountability".  The word transparent means "to see through", so essentially transparency allows one to see through things, and show the truth.  Transparency is an important concept in the social media world because we obtain so much of our information via social media.  Because of that, it is important that us readers know that what we are reading is factual, and not information made up by a random person.  However, I feel that transparency is more important in the offline world because in the offline world you are presenting yourself to others in person, whereas when you are online, you are separated by a computer screen.  Offline its all about how you present yourself and how you are perceived by others.  It is important that you show others that you are honest, trustworthy, and accountable.  If you cannot demonstrate this to others offline, you have little to no credibility.  However, in the end transparency is important both online and offline.

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