Thursday, September 16, 2010

photoshop final image take 2

I decided that I wasn't too happy with my final image, so I decided to start from scratch and use a new medium. This is what I came up with:

Apple's newest invention, the iPad, contains everything a person could want in a device and more.  Its touch screen allows people to surf the internet, upload pictures and videos, listen to music, download apps, read books, play games, view maps, and connect with others.  Because the iPad has features such as surfing the internet, uploading pictures, listening to music, reading books, playing games, viewing maps, and connecting with people, the "features" themselves are no longer as desirable on their own.  Who wants to own a radio, buy a newspaper, play board games, have an excessive amount of maps, or read books when you can have them all in on device?  Essentially, the iPad is overtaking everything.  I tried to portray that through my Photoshop image.  The iPad represents the gun which is pointing at the books, board games, cell phones, newspapers, and maps.  The caution tape in the background signifies the trouble that these objects are in as standalone objects.  In the iPad, they are valuable, but as I said before, who wants to own all of these separately when you can combine them into one sleek and portable object.  There are numerous messages the iPad gives, including increased reliance on technology, the idea that people can have everything at their fingertips wherever they go due to its light weight, cell phones aren't the only way to stay in contact with people, and it is okay to multi task in this fast paced world.  The iPad has made us extremely dependent on technology, because now we have the opportunity to do many various things all with one piece of technology. 

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