Monday, September 6, 2010

McLuhan Assignment

Skype is a free service that allows people to stay in contact with people around the country, and even around the world.  Its features include video chatting for people who have a webcam, voice chatting for people who have a microphone, instant messaging, file transferring, screen sharing, and conference calls.  Skype can also be used as a phone line for a slight fee.  Skype allows people to easily communicate with others; all you need is a computer and internet access.  Skype is an interactive medium because you are connecting with other Skype users.

Apple's newest invention, the iPad, contains everything a person could want in a device and more.   Its touch screen allows people to surf the internet, upload pictures and videos, listen to music, downloads apps, read books, play games, view maps, and connect with others.  The iPad is light and portable, making it easy for people to take it with them wherever they go.  It also connects users to the closest Wi-Fi networks.

Twitter is an increasingly popular form of communication.  It allows people to write status updates in 140 characters or less.  People choose who they want to follow on Twitter.  Typically, people follow their friends, celebrities, sports teams, and stores to receive updates about what is going on.  You can also have people follow you, thereby allowing others to see your updates.  People can use Twitter from their phones, the internet, and various applications, such as "Twitterrific".  Twitter also allows people to create lists, so you can organize who you see in your timeline.  People all over the country and world use Twitter, so with one click of the mouse, you can see what is going on through real time trending topics.  Also, many businesses are starting to use Twitter with the purpose of connecting more with their customers.  Twitter is also interactive, because you can reply to people's updates and also tag people in your updates so they know to read them.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Megan!!! I appreciate the descriptions. I would like to challenge you to consider the impact these mediums have had on society.
    For example, Skype is a is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet, right? What impact, if any, has this innovation had on global culture and society?
    Would you mind sharing your examples during class?
