Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Photoshop Assignment Part 1

The medium I am focusing on for this project is webcams.  Webcams are an up-and-coming medium that is constantly gaining attention and popularity.  Webcams allow people to communicate “face to face” with people that they otherwise might not be able for various reasons, including distance and expenses.  One has the ability to broadcast videos on the internet, take and upload images and videos, have real time communication, and contact people all over the country and world.  Two well known services that allow people to use their webcams to connect with other people are Skype and OOVOO.  The content in webcams includes software to use the webcam, speech, videos and images, and audio files.  There are many messages that are expressed through webcams.  These messages include: (1) more reliance on technology, (2) people always have the opportunity to connect with others, regardless of where they are in the world, (3) people can multi task while video chatting, emphasizing the fast paced world we live in, (4) cell phones are not the only “in” form of communication, and (5) communication has the potential to be personal again.  Numerous college students decide to go to school away from home, and many also decide to study abroad.  Before webcams were around, students may have encountered difficulty while communicating face to face with family and friends unless they were visiting them.  However, with webcams, it is possible to communicate with family and friends “face to face” whenever and wherever, as long as there is internet access and a webcam.  Before webcams, it was difficult to contact people who were abroad other than by email and letters due to expensive international rates.  However, with a webcam, one can leave videos for people and video chat for free, regardless of their location.  It is also more personal than phone calls, because you are able to see the people you are talking to, instead of just hearing their voice over the phone.  Essentially webcams keep people feeling connected and personal, something that cell phones lack the ability to do.  Overall, this innovation has had a large impact on global culture and society.  With the ability to video chat with people all over the country and world, people are becoming more understanding about various cultures, and it is easier to relate to them.  Also, businesses have also been impacted by webcams.  People have the ability to work remotely, whether their home is Boston or London, and appear virtually in meetings.  Business deals no longer need to be done in person.  People can interview for positions via Skype instead of traveling to the company’s office to have a face to face interview.  With webcams, the possibilities are endless.

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